You are currently viewing Higher Level Wife – 235.2 – Success
Portrait of male and female opera performers at the entrance to a sacred shrine or temple, praying for blessings on the occasion of the annual Chinese New Year.

Higher Level Wife – 235.2 – Success

Chapter 235.2 : Success (Part 2)

Author: White Pear Flower


Translated by Gumihou

Proofread by Pill Bug


Jin Fengju continued, clearly warming up to the subject, “You are right about not being too impatient. Haste would only make waste, and those who are impatient would lose more than they gain. Once Zhenyi wakes up, no matter what he says, make sure that nothing of it gets out. I shall speak to him myself. In any case, this chess piece should not be moved right now. I wish to make good use of the situation and force them to make a blunder.”

[4] All kinds of thoughts swirled through Fu Qiuning’s mind, however, it was difficult for anything to go past her lips. Anything she said could be taken to mean jealousy or some kind of grand benevolence on her part… wait, grand benevolence? Right, let’s pull that move.

Instead of reacting angrily to the obvious bait in his words, she allowed her face to show sadness as she stroked Jin Zhenyi’s head. “Even Imperial Physician Feng mentioned that Brother Yi’s condition is fine, but, who could know? The person he needs now is his mother. Not me, but his real mother for over seven years.”

Naturally, she said nothing about his ‘natural father’.

Even so, Jin Fengju did not seem to notice as he sighed gustily, shook his head and said, “Very well, it shall be done as you said. Truly, I have never seen such a virtuous woman as you. So generous and good-hearted. Just one thing, once she is here, you must not force me to her place.”

Fu Qiuning [4] said neutrally, “The Young Marquis is free to do as he likes. It is not like anyone in the family could force you into anything.”

Jin Fengju laughed and said, “Are you saying this because you are sure that I would not go? However, even if I were to go, I am sure I would decline if you were to stop me. Aih, I truly regretted what happened back then. Just why did I listen to my parents and married in so many wives and concubines just for the sake of face? A heart cannot be broken into several pieces and distributed among many. However, if I were to crack my heart to pieces, I would not only fail you, but would have also failed myself. Enough, enough, she was the one who wronged us first. My original intention was to have her spend the rest of her life at the farmstead. She should be grateful that I am willing to take her back to the estate and return Zhenyi and Xiunan to her. Let us consider it fulfilling a relationship between husband and wife.”

[5] “… …” Fu Qiuning… had no words for this man’s behaviour. What is this self-serving, pompous ‘oh, she wronged me first’ reasoning? Back then, because my family ‘wronged you first’ you took it out on poor original!Fu Qiuning and married in those women; you had Concubine Huo banished for having ‘wronged you’ after you neglected her for being ‘too possessive’; let us also not forget that because a washerwoman ‘wronged you first’ you brought in a beautiful Aunt Yu in to annoy her AND proceeded to neglect your twin children, which, for some strange reason I still do not understand, the entire estate was perfectly fine with! Why the entire estate fine with having two noble-blood children running around looking like miserable urchins inside their estate was mind-boggling, to say the least.

[5] There was really no winning with those kinds of men. She was favoured now only because she showed no interest in him. However, the moment she ‘fell in love’ she would be treated like just another annoyance in the harem. Someone who should be ‘grateful’ that this man was ‘so nice’ to her and gave her ‘fair treatment’.

She was still pondering over her thoughts when Yu Jie came in with two bowls of rice soup. Jin Fengju herded her over to the table and even attempted to feed her. However, Fu Qiuning quickly took control of the spoon and properly completed the task of feeding herself.


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Naturally, because of this incident, there was no way they could justify visiting Aunt Yu and neglecting Fu Qiuning’s husband’s natural son. Never mind that the father was doing the neglecting, the mother figure could not be seen to be doing the same thing.

After Jin Fengju had traipsed off to his important court business, [2b] Fu Qiuning continued to look after Jin Zhenyi. The children came trooping in to see their Third Brother.

[2b] “He is so still,” muttered Jin Changjiao. “It is so strange. I feel like he is going to wake up suddenly and laugh at us.”

[2b] “That is not how he usually sleeps,” said Jin Xiunan. “Even in sleep he would kick and roll about.”

[2b] “This is true,” said Jin Changfeng wryly. “He kicks.”

[2b] The children laughed together for a moment before sobering up. “Mother, will Brother Yi be alright?”

[1a] “What do you think?” Fu Qiuning asked. While it is important for children to be obedient and intelligent, they should also know how to regulate their own emotions. As a teacher of the arts, she found that one way to handle children was to help them deal with their emotions. As future artists and performers, children with a better grasp of their emotions were overall less flighty and more dependable when it came to performance day. Even if she was not able to give individual attention to all the children, it was still possible to give a pointer or two to those who were earnest about improving themselves.

[2b] As expected, Jin Xiunan looked guarded and wary at the question while Jin Changfeng and Jin Changjiao frowned thoughtfully.

[2b] “I think he should be fine,” said Jin Changjiao. “He is hurt, but he hit his head before, so he should be fine, right?”

[2b] “I think the cold would not affect him too much, but it would be better to keep him in a warm place,” said Jin Changjiao slowly. “I am more worried about the head injury. I read somewhere that getting hit in the back of the head is bad.”

[2b] Then, the three of them looked at Jin Xiunan who squirmed in place for a moment, hesitating before saying, “Was… Brother Yi… attacked?”

[2b] A tense silence fell. Finally, Fu Qiuning said, “This is still unclear. It is possible he may have fallen while climbing a tree. You know your brother best, yes?”

[2b] Even Jin Changjiao did not say anything. All three children knew exactly why they should keep a tight lid on what had happened. It was at once gratifying and heartbreaking to see such maturity in children who were only eleven and nine years old.

[2b] After waving goodbye to the children, Fu Qiuning pottered around the house listlessly for before returning to Jin Zhenyi’s side. [6] Suddenly, the child groaned and Fu Qiuning sat up, immediately alert. Yu Jie was also in the room and she quickly called out, “Third Young Master, Third Young Master, are you awake? You are safe now.”

[6] Instead of calming down, Jin Zhenyi began to cry out. It was unclear what he was trying to say, but Fu Qiuning did her best to soothe him regardless, she caught on to his grasping hands and held on tightly. Soon, Jin Zhenyi’s cries subsided and he fell back to sleep again. However, he did not let go of Fu Qiuning’s hand.

[6] “Madam?” said Yu Jie in a hushed voice.

[6] “What is it?”

[6] “It may be impertinent of this maid but… perhaps we should call a priest?”

[6] Curious, Fu Qiuning turned to Yu Jie, “A priest? What for? Brother Yi is not dead yet.”

[6] “No, no, Madam is mistaken. Back in this maid’s village, there was an incident where a cat jumped at a child and scratched him. The child developed a fever and would not wake up no matter what. Fortunately, a passing priest came by and performed a soul-calling ceremony over the boy and just half a day later, he was fine,” Yu Jie gasped out her explanation in one breath.

[6a] “A cat?” what an… odd coincidence. Back when she was a little girl, she had once been scratched by a cat and, according to her parents, she had developed a sudden and unexplained fever the moment she got home. Her parents brought her to see the doctor and she was given fever reducers and injections, but her illness persisted. Finally, in a desperate move, her parents brought her to the temple and just a day later, she was well again.

[6a] She had no idea whether a ‘soul-calling’ ceremony or some other prayers were performed, but, considering how she was now occupying another woman’s body in an ancient China that did not even exist in the history books, who was she to question this practice? Not to mention, perhaps she may even be able to glean some information from this priest person about her current situation.

[6a] Soon, the delighted voices of maids announcing the arrival of one Jin Fengju reached her ears. A short while later, he wandered in smugly with the promised Imperial Physician Liu. Fu Qiuning had to wonder just how much pleasure Jin Fengju acquired when the emperor allowed him to call a third imperial physician in to look at his shu-born son whose mother he had banished. Look how much he cared for his offspring, thought Fu Qiuning mockingly.

Fine, it may not be fair to think of Jin Fengju that way, but the man really made it difficult for people to not second-guess his motives.

“Has Zhenyi woken up? Did he say anything?”

Was this concern for the child or eagerness for information to destroy someone who had ‘wronged’ him?

Was she wrong to question his motives?

Fu Qiuning slowly shook her head and said, “He woke up once, but could not recognise me. He held my hand and refused to let go.”

Jin Fengju nodded, satisfaction heavy in his voice as he turned to Imperial Physician Liu, saying, “As you can see, Qiuning has been very diligent in caring for the child.”

Naturally, Imperial Physician Liu said all the appropriate things before stepping forward to examine Jin Zhenyi. After a while, he said, “The wind and cold have entered the boy’s body. This could be quite dangerous for a young boy. Fortunately, he is quite robust and young, and more importantly, Madam’s swift actions may well have preserved his life.”

Fu Qiuning tilted her head. Jin Fengju was looking smug on the side, so, aside from going there to look at Jin Zhenyi, Imperial Physician Liu was also there to make Jin Fengju look good and talk her up. “This humble official has been tasked by the emperor to stay by the child’s side for a few days. This shows just how greatly the emperor favours the Young Marquis. If it had been anyone else…”

“… …” just look at those two men. One was good at praising and the other was excellent at receiving praise. It was like watching a duet of flattery. Unable to stand it any more, she said, “Yu Jie suggested that we call for a priest to perform a soul-calling ceremony. I believe this is a good idea. It is best to be careful. Not to mention, we should have Concubine Xu sent over quickly. Since there is nothing physically wrong with Brother Yi, perhaps it could be a spiritual illness…”

[2] For a moment, Jin Fengju’s expression twitched. However, when he opened his mouth, he said, “I have already tasked Jin Ming to send someone to the farmstead. She should be here by today or tomorrow at the latest. You are too kind-hearted. Personally, I wish to see just what kind of thing she has turned into and whether she is still as foul as before. If she is still as wilful, she may take a look at Brother Yi and leave at once. There is no need to have this kind of thing stay around.”

Fu Qiuning turned away, thinking: Wow, she is no longer even human in your eyes. As for that other woman who had ‘wronged’ you, she was already a ‘cheap whore’ and ‘slut’. Clearly, the women whom you had married in for revenge against original!Fu Qiuning… No, the revenge was not even against her, but her parents. You married those women in to spite your wife’s parents and now you’re treating them as though they were less than human.

Just then, a maid came in to say, “Madam, Aunt Yu is here.”

Fu Qiuning closed her eyes and sighed, “Why is she here? Isn’t she supposed to be at home nursing her belly?”

She walked out to see Aunt Yu being helped up the steps by an older woman. Fu Qiuning directed two girls to assist them as she said, “Why are you here? Are you trying to make your mother-in-law and husband anxious?”


[Gumihou: Deleted the part where FQN stomped her foot at the news that Aunt Yu was here. Like, come on.]


[2b] Shockingly short paragraph about JFJ going to court and returning with Imperial Physician Liu. Absolutely nothing at all happened in between aside from uwu Qiuning being all sobs sobs. Nothing at all about the children, because they had all forgotten about this bro

[3] Deleted 100 words of Kleber Xplanations

[4] Deleted ‘angry Qiuning’ because that’s just bait for JFJ to soothe her. Also, her anger lasted over 180 words in one shot. Very ugh.

[5] The author actually said ‘this is the dilemma of a scumbag man. Once they have done something wrong, no matter how they try to make amends, those wrongs cannot be undone.’ followed by a sigh of sadness on AR Qiuning’s part

Gumihou: Are you telling us to sympathise with the scum?

[6] Add the scene that inspired Yu Jie to go find someone to ‘call the soul back’

[6a] Incorporated Fu Qiuning’s later explanation into the above scene.


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