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Tondemo Fanfiction – 010 – Crossover – Restaurant to Another World

By popular vote, let’s now enjoy a crossover with Nekoya!

Patreon Trung and Discord Reader Kendi Artista, you requested this! Also, many thanks to andrewcity1993 for the encouraging meme~!


“Ugh, why do we have to go through the forest like this?” I grumbled as Fer marched forward through the dense undergrowth.

“”Shh, the prey is sensitive to noise!”” Fer hissed, he sounded uncharacteristically nervous.

Which made me nervous as well. Just what the heck are we tracking now?


The day started fairly ordinarily.

Or so I thought.

We were on one of the semi-regular hunting excursions that my familiars insisted on going. I was reluctant to go, of course, but could not help but be dragged into things as usual.

At that point, I was ready to just let them go on their own hunting spree while I rest at home, but…

“No, Master must come with us.”

Umu, you should at least be there to provide the food.”

“”Yeah, and you can level up too, isn’t it great?””

“”Sui will miss Aruji~””

“Sob, only Sui’s answer was acceptable. Also, Dora-chan, why the heck would you even be interested in me levelling up??!”

“Dora-chan’s right, you should take this opportunity to level up.”

“Master, your level is…”

“”Aruji is still the best~””

“Tohoho-!! Sui!!”

“Anyway, enough babbling, let’s go.”

“No! I refuse! You can take a Magic Bag of food if you care so much for my cooking, but I refuse to go with a bunch of ungrateful-”

A knock at the door interrupted them. It was Aiya.

“Mukouda-san? I have a letter for you. I believe it’s from the palace…”

“… …” I stared at the letter tray. The letter on the tray was embossed with gold and red wax. It looked very fancy.

I looked at Aiya. There was a stiff look on her face. I also recognised those wide eyes and slightly trembling hands. “I have gone hunting.”

“Very good, Mukouda-san.”


Please read this at kitchennovel dot com~


What’s worse than trawling through the wilderness hunting for some kind of ‘delicious slug monsters’? Trawling through high society fending off increasingly broad hints to ‘teach the neighbouring country a lesson’.

Do those nobles think I’m thick or something? I wished the previous king had taught his son better. Or, perhaps the son was in some kind of rebellious phase? Who knows. I don’t care either way, but these invitations just won’t stop coming. The inner Japanese in me would not be able to properly decline an invitation to visit, but I have found a great loophole to these wretched invitations.

I just won’t read those stupid letters.

So there.

Naturally, this meant more trips away from my nice and comfortable home, but all I had to do to motivate myself was think of the last time I was at the palace, where sleazy nobles with too much guts and too little sense tried to convince me to visit their counties in increasingly creative ways.

And the ladies!

There was one point in my life where I would have appreciated the view thrust upon me, but not when it was accompanied by such tittering voices and fluttering fans. It scared me! So, scary!

That one time I tried escaping to the balcony only to be cornered by not one, not two, but three girls younger than Lotte! I had to throw myself off said balcony. Luckily, by then, my stats were good enough that I managed to land on both feet with only a slight sprain from the 5-storey fall.

Where were my familiars, you asked?

Why, they were busy at the buffet table.

The people in this world had wised up somewhat on how to entice my familiars and the number one ‘courtesy’ whenever we visited anywhere was a super meat buffet with at least three kinds of grilled skewers.

Anyway, enough about the palace life.

Back to this hot, sweaty and swampy jungle-ish place.

I had never been here before, but Grandpa Gon swore up and down that there was something ‘incredibly delicious’ here. My only stipulation to Grandpa Gon was ‘take us somewhere a little farther than usual’.

The flight on GG Airways was about one and a half days long, so wherever this place was, it was plenty far.

“Oi, are you sure this is the way?”

“Of course! I remember the type of trees that grow here. They are the ones that-”

“”Hey! Don’t those grow on xx island? This isn’t anywhere near there.””

“Of course they do! At least, I think so?”

“How many years have you last been there?!”

“I believe it was two long sleeps ago. Let’s that would be…”

“Your one sleep is at least 500 years!!!”

“Oi,” I interrupted them. “Enough quarrelling. I don’t care if this is the wrong place, why don’t we just go somewhere for now?”

“No! I’m sure this is the place, Master! Look, we just need to go around that boulder and, hm?”

“What is it?” said Fer impatiently. “Did you find something interesting? It had better be interesting. Or at least edible, if not delicious.”

“This magic…”

The rest of us poked our heads around Grandpa Gon’s body to look at what had caught his attention.

“Isn’t that a… door? What’s a door doing here? Did someone just abandon their door or something?”

“Master, there’s strong magic behind that door.”

“”There’s also an image of a strange creature. Look,”” said Dora-chan.

“What strange creature? That’s a cat.”

“”What is a cat, Aruji~? Is it yummy~?””

“Eh? Uh, wait, you don’t know what a cat is, Sui?”

“More importantly, the cat-creature is standing above some strange script, I don’t believe I had ever seen those words before.”

“What strange script? It just says Western Restaurant Nekoya,” I said impatiently before my mind properly processed what Grandpa Gon had just said. “Wait, hold it. Did you just say you can’t read the words?”

“Indeed, Master. We cannot read it.”

“Wait, what? Wait, hold on-” Something hot and anxious was clawing up my throat. “You can’t read it? For real?”

From the day I transmigrated to this world, I had been able to read the words in this world. However, it all looked like Japanese to me. Whenever I tried to write something, it all came out as gibberish, but the people who received my writing could understand it. By the way, the ‘gibberish’ I had written would look like Japanese again if I looked away and looked back at it.

Therefore, I had just assumed that I was reading an ‘auto-translated’ thing on the door.

However, for Grandpa Gon to say that he could not recognise the ‘script’…

“Oi, did you say it’s a restaurant? Let’s go in,” said Fer.

“What? Wait, no! We don’t even know what’s going on or why that door is here!!” I cried, pulling at Fer’s neck fur to make him stop.

“Well, there’s one way to find out, isn’t there?”


“Welcome to Nekoya!”


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