Orphanage – Rosendal
“We’re back!”
“Welcome back!”
Yells and a scampering of feet brought more children out to greet the ‘Adventurer Team’ consisting of Leader Lewis, Vice-Leader Susannah and the rest. All of their bags were bulging with stuff.
“What did you bring?!”
“Let us see!”
Lewis and his party set their bags down and started taking things out.
“We brought back some offal, some Big Rabbits, a Wild Chicken…”
“We also, hehe, managed to get this!”
The children all crowded around to look at their prize. A nice premium piece of Dungeon Pork.
“Guess what we’re having for dinner tonight?” Lewis said proudly.
“Yay! Pork!”
“Let’s have a soup! A nice hearty soup!”
“No, it’s gotta be a grilled dish, a barbecue!”
“Hey, hey, why don’t we ask Maynard and Enzo?” Susannah redirected their attention to the two boys entering the hall with their little cart.
“Oh, you guys got something good?”
“We got a nice chunk of Dungeon Pork.”
“Hey, you know…” Enzo began.
“Don’t you think it’s been a long time since we had some good sausage?” said Maynard.
“Sausage? But, we don’t actually have enough meat…”
“See, I had been checking out the other stalls and I found some guy mixing cornmeal into the mincemeat…”
“That’s cheating!”
“That’s being clever, actually,” said Enzo. “We bought a couple and tried them, for research, of course. And it was surprisingly good!”
“Naturally, we don’t know the exact ratio for meat and grain, but I think we can compensate the meat by mincing up the offal meat too. After processing of course.”
“I guess…”
“If it works, we could even sell those ‘Hotdogs’ that Big Brother made last time.”
“I mean, we have the bread recipe, right? I’m sure the sisters would be happy to make some…”
“No! We’ll make them!”
A group of children said, a determined look in their eyes.
“You guys?”
“Yeah! We’ve been helping with the bread-making for a while now. I’m learning how to make different kinds of bread, so leave it to me!”
“We can also make other bread for sale too. I know salt is expensive, but if we dip the bread in salt water while it’s hot, the salty juice that dried on the bread is really tasty…”
“Ugh…” the rest of the children looked at the second wannabe baker with doubt in their eyes.
“Hey, Joe, please stop it with your weird experiments…”
“They aren’t weird! It’s really tasty!”
“Hey, hey, enough about that. Sure, why not? If it ended up… not good, we can just eat the experiments. However, we’re not putting any untested products on the cart, okay?” Susannah quickly got the boys to back down.
“I’m really thankful to have you,” said Lewis. “Seriously, stop quarrelling you guys.”
“That said, the next Meat Festival is coming soon. Since it’s the best time to make money, let’s all work hard together, okay?”
“Do you think Big Brother would come?”
“I’m sure he’ll come.”
“I want him to try our soup, we’ve honed it down to a fine art~”
“I want him to try my saltwater bread-”
Orphanage – Hirschfield
“It’s meat day today!”
Finnian, or Finn to his friends, looked up expectantly. He was similarly excited but was trying not to show it. Because it was undignified. He was not a little kid anymore.
“What do you think Sister Ellen will make today, Finn?” Alec asked. “I hope it’s stew. A roast is nice, but stew is so much more hearty.”
“Hmm, considering the ingredients we have in the pantry, we’ll probably be getting stew. Maybe even some bread and potatoes on the side.”
“Awesome!” Alec crowed.
“You should know this too since you counted the stock with Sister Mary and me the other day.”
“Ehh? It’s just loads of stuff…”
Finn sighed a world-weary sigh at his brother. “If you want to advance in life, you should have a little more awareness, you know?”
“I’m going to be an Adventurer!”
“I fear for your life even more.”
In fact, Finn was not joking. Alec was good-looking and hardworking, but a little dumb most of the time. He feared for his brother’s future.
“I hope you get married to a sharp woman who would keep you in line and make sure you don’t get scammed…”
“Haha, you’ll choose a wife for me, you mean?”
“… maybe I had better.”
“Wait, what-”
“It would have to be someone from a fairly stable family, but not too big. Because a family with too many people is bound to have a black sheep or two that would scam money out of you.”
“If she has elderly parents, all the better. You can help take care of the home and farm.”
“What about money-”
“You must give all your money to your wife. She will need it to take care of the house and other things-”
“You’ll just spend your money on stupid things like the latest clay figurines of the heroes or something.”
“Hey! How dare you diss my treasure!?”
“You just have to control your impulse spending a bit.”
“This is why you’re not allowed to handle money,”
That’s right, even though he was only nine years old, Finn was one of the pursekeepers of the orphanage. In the past, it used to be a fancy term for someone who did their best to scrounge for extra food from the nearby wilderness to add to the day’s meal.
Now, thanks to a donation from that super generous uncle with the big dog, meals were suddenly much richer and he had actual money to look after instead of just dead moths and dust.
“I wonder if Mister Mukouda will come by again?” Alec sighed. “I like the meat that he brought. It was superrrr good.”
“Do not covet beyond what you have,” was Finn’s automatic answer.
“Whaaatt? I was just saying!!” Alec kicked his feet before back flipping away to avoid Finn’s foot.
This fellow had always been good at more physical things. Maybe he should encourage him…
Then again, images of this guy being sold scraps as armour or being scammed by unscrupulous comrades gave Finn nightmares.
Little did Finn know, he was not destined to be a merchant.
Instead, he would one day dive into dungeons with his comrade, Alec.
[Gumihou: Work hard you guys! Also, someone make sure Alec gets married to a sharp girl who loves him!!]
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