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Tondemo Skill – 301.1 – Idle Talk: Self-Restraint Training for Gods

Idle Talk: Self-Restraint Training for Gods


Translated by Zzonkedd

Edited by Gumihou and Onionpi

Please read this at kitchennovel dot com


Eguchi Ren-sama: The idle talk this time is a bit long, so I divided it into two parts


God of Creation Demiurgos, the great administrator of this world, was currently enjoying some snacks and saké from another world. It had been years since such wonderful luxury had been brought into this gorgeous palace.

“I wonder if those fellows are reflecting over their sins properly,” mused the God of Creator.

Then, with a wave of his hand, a translucent window appeared in front of Demiurgos.

Inside the floating window was the image of Ninril, the Goddess of the Wind, undergoing house arrest in her palace.


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The Palace of the Wind Goddess Ninril.

A dark and dreary atmosphere permeated the beautiful palace…

“Haaaahhh… Other World desserts…. sweets…”

[8] A miserable Ninril whispered to herself as she lay on her bed like a dead fish.

She looked very different from her usual energetic self. [2] Now that her connection to Mukouda has been discovered by the God of Creation, she had been scolded soundly. Worse, her offerings were confiscated and she had been forbidden from contacting Mukouda.

All in all, it felt like a terrible punishment for this sugar addict.

“Cake… pudding… Dorayaki…”

[8] All the different desserts from that world danced tauntingly across her mind…

“I want Dorayaki… Slurp,” [3] just the memory of Dorayaki was enough to make her drool.

“One whole month, surely one month is too crushing a punishment even from the God of Creation…”

Having her access to desserts from another world cut off for a month was akin to torture for sugar addict Ninril. [2] Now that she has tasted the desserts from that other world, things like honey and dried fruits from her own world could no longer satisfy her.

“One month is just too long…”

It had only been seven days since she was discovered by the God of Creation and she was nearly crushed to death.

[8] “Haaahh… why did I not put any sweets away? Not the perishable ones but the ones in the packets would be nice too… At least I won’t be so miserable…”

Ninril was used to getting plenty of sweets from Mukouda on a weekly basis. At most, she only has to wait two weeks before she could get her hands on a fresh supply. Once the sweets and desserts reached her hands, she would inevitably eat them all almost immediately, [6] trusting that her next fix is just around the corner.

“I’m such an idiot…” she moaned over her mistake.

Suddenly, the voice of the devil whispered in her ear, “You could secretly send him an oracle… [5]”

“No, no, no I can’t do that! I can’t! What if I get caught by God of Creation? I’d be suspended for more than a month!!”

The devil inside Ninril whispered, “…what if he doesn’t find out…”

“There’s no way! There’s no way he wouldn’t find out! He’s the God of Creation. Haah, haah, I need to calm down and stop thinking about wicked things or I’ll get into trouble. If I do the wrong thing now I’ll never be able to touch anything from the other world for the rest of my life…” Ninril began to shake at the thought of having her access to other world desserts cut off and the devil inside her heart disappeared completely.

“It’s painful but I need to endure…”

She forced herself to think about the finish line. There is an end to this punishment. All she had to do is bear with the situation for a while.


“My goodness, this Ninril has no patience at all. Maa, she still manages to endure in the end, so I guess it’s all good,” observed Demiurgos as he enjoyed the snacks and saké from another world. He murmured, “Then again, these things [5] are certainly very delicious. I can understand why Ninril would feel like that.”

“Well, if she had been disobedient, I’ll never let her taste desserts from that world again. Fuoh, fuoh, fuoh, now then, let’s have a look at Kishar.”


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The Palace of Earth Goddess Kishar.

Things were quite tense here as well.

“One month, just one month…” [3][8] Kishar was taking stock of her remaining beauty products, desperately calculating and rationing her precious beautifying potions for the month.

Now that she has begun using these wonderful products [5] she could no longer live a life without them.

“Shampoo and treatment still fine,”

At Mukouda’s advice, she had gotten different types of shampoo & treatment sets, using one or the other depending on her mood. She still has half a bottle of two opened sets.

“… and there’s one more set I haven’t touched yet, so, it should be alright.” [5] She muttered to herself, “Body soap is fine too, if that runs out, I still have my soap bars…” [5] [6] She stared at the pretty bottles of soaps, one about a third full while the other barely touched as well as the three pieces of soap bars. Yes, nothing to worry about on that side.

“The problem is facial care products, these are the most important too…”

Ever since she started using skincare products from another world, her face had become as smooth as a peeled egg and just as plump and springy. Kishar finally obtained the gorgeous and supple skin that she had always wanted.

“These beauty products are a little expensive, but it’s all very effective and suits my skin very well. I don’t want to run out…”

Kishar calculated her lotions, essence and cream. She has half a bottle of essence left but the lotions and cream…

“Not enough for another week!!” she shrieked.

Yes, that’s right, she was running low and was planning to ask for cream and lotion from Mukouda the next time she gets her offerings.

In fact, “That cream I’d been aiming for…” that high-class night cream that she had gotten as a bonus from Mukouda would have made her skin even clearer and more beautiful. But it had been confiscated by God of Creation.

“I guess there’s nothing I can do about it since it’s gone. Once this set of cream and lotion is gone, I’ll have to use the inferior versions. I have no choice but to survive on those…”

The moderately priced lotion and cream she had gotten before she properly understood the world of beauty products were still in their sealed bottles. [6] She had disdained them after getting these more expensive versions but now…

“I-if these were to disappear too… noooooooo!!!! I don’t want to think about it! I can’t go back to just rubbing plain olive oil on my skin anymore! My lotion! My Cream! My Serum! The perfect combination that brings me this beautiful skin that everyone envies! My precious beautiful skin…”

The normally rational Kishar seemed to have gone insane for a moment.

“Haah, haah, haah… I can’t run out of these too. No matter what, I must make it through this one month. My beautiful skin will be safe. You can do it, Kishar!”

Kishar manages to motivate herself to not give up.


“… I supposed Goddesses are still women. They are terrifyingly attached to their beauty…” [3] Demiurgos muttered to himself.

“Well, well, for someone who’s so fixated on their looks. This is the perfect punishment, Fuoh, fuoh, fuoh, alright, let’s have a look at Agni now.”


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The Palace of Fire Goddess Agni.

The atmosphere at this palace was just as tense as the Wind Goddess’s place.

[6] Contrary to the miserably moping Ninril, Agni was roaming around her palace like a cornered tiger, as though trying to stomp out her frustrated feelings.

“I really want some beer…” [5] [8] she was stomping about in frustration with a mug full of something in her hand.

[6] She took a swig.

“Gah! Lukewarm ale like this is no good, what I need is some cold beer! Refreshingly cold beer!”

Agni suddenly stopped, her throat moved as she swallowed, nearly tasting the imaginary beer in her head.

“Curses, one whole month…” [5] she gritted her teeth. “That God of Creation is too cruel, how am I supposed to get through a whole month without the sweet taste of beer?”

[8] A cold beer after sweating hard from training.

[8] A cold beer after a hot bath.

[8] Cold beer to chase down her dinner and another before bed.

[8] Beer is perfect for all kinds of occasions.

“Nuaaaaaaaa, I want beer!!” [5]

After being cut off from beer, the thirst never stop.

“I want it, but there’s nothing I can do about it. I can’t go against the God of Creation,” [5] Agni’s shoulders drooped. “Why didn’t I save a crate at least? I have so much of it and yet…”

Beer was comparatively cheap against stuff like whiskey or Kishar’s beauty products and Agni usually gets a crate and half every week but she had drunk every single drop.

“…because it’s too delicious…” [5]

“…still, I should have saved some…”

“… bah, I guess there’s no helping it. I’ll just put up with lukewarm ale until the end of the month.”


“Saké from another world is really delicious,” said Demiurgos cheerfully as he [6] savoured a little dish of the clear liquid.

Umu, this is delicious too,” said the Demiurgos as he popped another piece of snack from a can into his mouth.

“Fuoh, fuoh, fuoh, what a great punishment for Agni. For one charmed by drinks from another world, this is the best punishment. Let’s have a look at Rusalka next. What have you been up to, I wonder?”


[Gumihou: Ah, these miserable goddesses…]


[1] Structural Change: Combine 2 paragraphs

[2] Structural Change: Combine 3 paragraphs

[3] Structural Change: Combine paragraph & dialogue

[4] Structural Change: Change passive sentence to dialogue

[5] Delete Repetitive or Pointless Information

[6] Additional Information for Aesthetic Purpose

[7] Add Dialogue Tag

[8] Creative Licence Taken


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Choose your Patreon tier from the menu below!

$1 – A Little Mochi Treat

Tondemo 301.2 – Idle Talk: Self-restraint Training for Gods (2)

Tondemo 301.3 – Idle Talk: The Three Heroes – We’re getting married~~~!


$3 – A Box of Takoyaki

Tondemo 302 – City of Carelina Once More


$5 – Ginger-Fried Pork

Tondemo 303 – Meeting Lambert Again


$10 – Tasty Okonomiyaki

Tondemo 304 – Mukouda Buys a House

Tondemo 305 – A Trustworthy Person


$20 – Omakase Sushi Set

Tondemo 306 – Sad News, Dreams Fall Apart

Tondemo 307 – Mukouda Bought Slaves (1)

Tondemo 308 – Mukouda Bought Slaves (2)

Tondemo 309 – Explanations


This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Luna

    W-t-h. Either author sama doesn’t really know, needed it so for comed.. I mean, plot reasons OR
    These beauty products came in homeopathic doses, or kishar is frigging bathing in skin care products.

    The ones for the face specifically – I swear, these things last 6-7 months if not a year. Some even more. Same with hair etc. She should have been the one that was completely ok with a 1 month ban cause these things last.
    How the hell is she burning through them so fast? Is she /eating/ them? *smh, facepalms*

    And late merry Christmas everyone ^^

    1. Gumihou

      She’s probably slathering them on her face, neck and shoulders…

      As for the hair, I expect she has ass length hair.

      To be fair, she was alright for everything except for face lotion, the expensive ones at least. She still has the cheap ones around, lol

    2. Hiraite Neko

      true! for me those small 30g face cream (applied twice a day) can last me 1 whole month already. Body lotions come with big bottles so i didnt calculate them.

    3. Jii

      I like to believe kishar is just an unbelievably really ugly goddesses to use all of that products in a week (like aren’t goddesses supposed to be beautiful without doing anything)

      1. Gumihou

        She’s just being sensitive about her looks. I’m sure she’s a mature beauty.

  2. Nyamachi

    Thank you for the chapters! Merry Christmas!

  3. SFcipher

    Merry Christmas!
    Thanks for the gift.

  4. Felipe

    I’m curious about how the booze duo is doing, are they miserable like the wind goddess or frustrated like the fire goddess?

  5. Philip

    [God of Creator] -> {God of Creation}

    Well, them goddesses got punished without warning, although they should have realizes they pushed things too far already, getting discovered was assured recently. Now they don’t have enough supplies to last their own luxury requirements. I wonder what will they do after the punishment period. I doubt they can continue demanding weekly donations again (lolz, makes me think of onlyfans).
    Thanks for the second chapter (part) this week! Awesome translation! May God bless you!

  6. Gackt1

    Demiurgos is on the road to join them too wifhout realize…

  7. Hamster

    Deities should be able to give themselves the skill to access an internet shop such as Net Super.

  8. Felipe

    I’m worried, this guy may not realize but he will become addicted as well if he keeps getting a weekly offering…. at this point I think the best course of action would be just turn the MC into a merchant god or something and make normal requests to him

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