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Little Cooking Saint – Chapter Adjustment

Little Cooking Saint weird chapter jumps, lol, wut author-san?

Alright, a little explanation from Gumihou re this special announcement page.


I use the webnovel to translate, and sometimes the author changes their minds midway through their writing… If you had read the earlier chapters, you might have encountered a very short, barely A4 size page worth of content. I expect that the author must have deleted a whole bunch of stuff there because after that the there was a weird name typo and there was a sudden jump in character development.

Like, wut?

Whatever, let’s get on with the translation. Then, I encountered this beauty below. And yes, the chapters went from 44, 45 to 33??

I would have taken the much simpler step of cutting away the Matsutake Meatroll Arc if it were not for 1 very crucial thing. Character Development. I am very, very sensitive to Plot and Character Development. Part of the reason why I hated Here Comes the Lady Chef, ugh!

It would be spoiler-y for me to explain why stuff was deleted from the Matsutake Meatroll Arc, but I promise to explain if anyone is interested when we reach the Sashimi Arc, because the repercussions from the MM Arc reached all the way to the S Arc.

Original Adjusted Details
39 Matsutake Meatroll (1) 37.1 Matsutake Meatroll (a) Posted
40 Matsutake Meatroll (2) 37.2 Matsutake Meatroll (b) Reposted – Adjusted for plot
41 Matsutake Meatroll (3) (3) too short after adjustment, absorbed into the next chapter
42 Matsutake Meatroll (4) 37.4 Matsutake Meatroll (c)
43 Matsutake Meatroll (5) 37.5 Matsutake Meatroll (d) Some details from  (e) went into (d) and vice-versa
44 Matsutake Meatroll (6) 37.6 Matsutake Meatroll (e)
Things deleted & Adjusted for Plot – A lot
45 Vermillion Meat (1) 38.1 Vermillion Meat (a) Yes, it went from (1) to (3)
33 Vermillion Meat (3) 38.2 Vermillion Meat (b)
34 Vermillion Meat (4) 38.3 Vermillion Meat (c)
35 Vermillion Meat (5) 38.4 Vermillion Meat (d)
Things deleted or Adjusted – None, unless you count sentence adjustments
36 Sashimi (1) 39.1 Sashimi (a) Just a bit more…
37 Sashimi (2) 39.2 Sashimi (b)
38 Sashimi (3) 39.3 Sashimi (c)
39 Sashimi (4) 39.4 Sashimi (d)
40 Sashimi (5) 40 Sashimi (e) We are now back to normal!
41 Sashimi (6) 41 Sashimi (f)
42 Sashimi (7) 42 Sashimi (g)
43 Sashimi (8) 43 Sashimi (h)
44 Sashimi (9) 44 Sashimi (i)
45 Sashimi (10) 45 Sashimi (j)
46 Sashimi (11) 46 Sashimi (k)
47 Sashimi (12) 47 Sashimi (l)
48 Sashimi (13) 48 Sashimi (m)
49 Sashimi (14) 49 Sashimi (n)
50 Sashimi (15) 50 Sashimi (o)


By the way, among the stuff deleted, arranged in no particular order or sequence, were as listed:

(Not really) spoiler alert!

  • Encounter with Male Character
  • Received bad news from Male Character – Lao Er died, Xiao Qi was kidnapped?!!
  • A high-status character was introduced
  • A special good draw undue interest to our MC
  • A Very Important Society

These were all deleted, by the way, lol. Oh, the Society remained, but I demoted it from Very Important to Important-ish.


It pains me as a writer to see the potential of a novel cut short, whenever possible, I like to fix it so that the message within the novel shines the brightest. As readers of The Feast knows, I often rearrange sentence structures, split dialogues or even add details in places where I think is appropriate.

Whenever I add stuff, it’s always indicated with a footnote, as I did in Chapter 205 of The Feast.

I mean, the potential is just there! How could I just let it go?!

I’m not Elsa, lol!


Thus ends the explanation for the weird chapter adjustment, lolz!


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